Every year you can set yourself four tasks on MINT topics in the online competition 4Science Challenge. Find your team and register. Are you still missing a brilliant idea? Have a look at the previous projects and let yourself be inspired. The tasks of the 4Science Challenge can also inspire your creativity.

We encourage your curiosity through our tiered offer concept. At the LeibnizLABs you will experience your first research insights (Level 1). In the Gauß-AG at the university you deepen your interest beyond the subject matter (level 2). The self-research offer (level 3) focuses on your questions and interests. With our matchmaking you will find qualified companions who will support you in your projects. You can create your own schedule and get started! The LeibnizLABs will visit you during your school days to “learn to understand research”. During the holidays you practice research in the Gauß-AG. In the Gauß-AG plus and at Einstein's granddaughters for "self-research" project teams meet, which are based on your weekly schedule.
Discover the student research centre Leibniz4U!
You can get involved in ongoing research projects and try yourself as a citizen scientist. Science is looking for you to do research and you can get an overview of the projects on the mit:forschen! platform.